Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea,
Yet never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

-Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Environmental Awareness in Schools

Big topic. Do we promote environmental awareness we'll enough in our schools? Are we setting a bad example with our wasteful ways?

Recently I have joined my local PTA as Environmental Chair. I get the opportunity to put my passion for the planet to good use!  Here are some examples of things you could suggest to your local PTA Environmental Chair:

Terracycle: They collect items like Capri Sun packages and lunchable packaging.  They also collect chip bags, cans, and plastic bottles.  They literally have a brigade for everything. My favorite so far has got to be The Red Solo Cup Brigade since that seems to a common party item that ends up in our landfills instead of being repurposed for another use.

State PTA website: Provides information on the programs you can implement in your school.
Texas PTA

Paper Retriever: Recycle your paper!!!  :-)

Happy Recycling! Don't forget tomorrow November 15th is America Recycles Day so join in and do your part!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Misery Loves Company

Hmmm... do you believe that statement is true?  Misery loves company.  My mom always said this to me when someone was trying to bring me down.

On Facebook the other day, and the day before, and a couple days before that, I noticed (of all people!) a family member of mine putting down people who eat healthy (namely me ... although I was technically left unnamed), exercise, and organic food.  Really?  Do you feel all high and mighty now that you put down people who choose to take care of their bodies just because you are utterly unhappy with yours??  I get it.  People are different.  I don't poke fun at lazy people who eat crap for food.  Okay, you're right.  I do.  COME ON, THOUGH!  If you have a disability of some kind that limits what you can do physically, FINE!  That does not give you the right to bash me, my healthy friends, or anyone else that chooses to take care of themselves with good, clean food and exercise.  God forbid we do what's right for our body.  You only live in it your entire life.  ;-P  So instead of going off the deep end and making comment after crazy comment on their posts ... I did them one better.  I blew up their feed with healthy posts!  Healthy food, exercise tips, pro-organic farming posts, and so on.  Kill them with kindness because misery really does love company.  You sit on that couch with your bag of Cheetos and HoHo's and I'll be working out, fueling my body with good food, and feeling GREAT about myself all the while. /EndRant!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Homemade Lunchable Practice 1

I did purchase the lunchboxes for the kids next year.  They were very excited to learn they'd have the ability to build their own homemade lunchable every day.  We use plates that have a similar design for food separation for our practice meals.  The other day we had this: PB&J stars, grapes, cucumbers with ranch dressing, and wheat thins.

They loved it!  Success!  And now I am only even more motivated to get more practice in.  School resumes in 4 weeks.  More posts to come!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting Kids to Exercise!

Tip 1: Challenge them to a dual.  If you say "Hey Johnny! I bet you can't do more pushups than I can." If you can't do any pushups, learn. Or you can try jumping jacks. Compliment your child on his/her effort no matter what the outcome. Building kids' self confidence is important! If they feel uncomfortable exercising now they'll likely have the same attitude in the future.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

School is out for the Summer!  My kids are home, bored, and hungrier than ever.  This is the perfect time for me to practice making their lunches for next year.  I MUST do better about sending their lunches.

This past year I had one in Kindergarten and one in First Grade.  At first it was all okay.  I was managing to have their lunches made every morning.  I had known I was expecting since 2 weeks before school started.  I did not know how it would start effecting my ability to keep it all together until about halfway through the school year.  I started letting my kids buy lunch at school.  I did it because it was convenient.  It doesn't make it okay.  In fact, I feel worse about it because I used that as an excuse.  It makes me feel like a terrible mother.  It goes against the food values our family shares.  It cannot happen next year.

I wanted to share a couple of resources as I attempt to begin my Lunchbox Adventure Test Run!

Easy Lunchboxes!

Primal Kitchen

Thursday, April 12, 2012

GDiapers for a Green Baby Booty

Baby has arrived.  I vowed to myself that I would do things right this time ... meaning as all natural as I possibly could.  Let's be honest.  The tyrants with their hooks in the industries today make it pretty hard to do.  I however am fighting for my right to choose a better lifestyle for my family. 

GDiapers.  I have blogged about them before, but had never had the opportunity to use them. I do now and let me tell you they rock!  I thought to myself that even the biodegradable inserts that can be flushed down the toilet would be a hassle.  That is not the case.  The GDiapers are easy to use and very cute!  My husband refuses to mess with the poo diaper inserts but let's face it ... he is a man.  No offense guys!  You act tough but when it comes to dirty diapers and spit up you show your wussy side.

What is the cost??  Well depending on where you buy your little Gpants they can run from about $12-$20.  The disposable inserts are about $10 a package, which by the way, is the same as a package of Pampers.  The cloth inserts run about $20 for a package of 6.  Although it seems expensive you must take into consideration that you are reusing the cloth inserts.  It saves you money in the long run.  Try and see the big picture!  No dirty diapers resting in a landfill.  No chemicals on your darling baby's bum.

Let's get right to it.  It seems like a lot of work, right?  Of course it is!  It's a baby!!  It wasn't supposed to be convenient.  Unfortunately, the things that are best for us are not easy.  We are a lazy society, myself included.  I am resisting the temptation to continue this vicious cycle of laziness and get back on track.  I have recently FAILED on my all natural adventures but I am not ready to give up yet.  A new baby.  A new beginning.  A reason for change.  Join me!  Start with GDiapers.  They are essentially dummy proof and even provide you with how-to videos.  Check them out!