Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tyson Chicken and Mass Producing - The Truth

When you buy chicken what brand do you normally get?  When I've asked the most common answer is Tyson.  Of course people by Tyson, it's a brand name.  Most people will assume they are getting quality meat from a company like Tyson.  What they don't know about (or care about) is the quality of care (or lack thereof) your food is getting from the very beginning...


Consider what you are eating.  Not only are you eating a chicken that has been genetically altered to grow bigger in a shorter amount of time, you are eating a chicken that lives in the most horrid environment.  Sure, the immediate response will be "But they'll clean them and everything before they hit the grocery aisles..."  Is that really enough?  This woman's contract was terminated for 2 reasons.  1. Speaking out against Tyson  2. She refused to use an enclosed chicken house.  ??  What's that?  That's where these chickens never see the light of day, ever.  I wonder how great that yummy Tyson chicken strip is sounding right now...
If you're still skeptic and need more convincing please continue on to the next clip.

Ugh... I've watched this clip many times.  Every time I watch it I have to turn my head and call me emotional, but it makes me tear up too.  If you haven't done so, do yourself a favor and rent or buy Food Inc. and take the time to educate yourself on the purpose of this video, which is not some random rant from crazy people.  Sadly, it's the truth about our food industry.  On a good note, it also explains how we, the consumers, can demand change by buying products that are raised, grown, manufactured, and processed naturally and most importantly ETHICALLY.  We spend thousands and thousands of dollars on products that are essentially not necessary.  We as a society are willing to pay more for the clothes we wear on the outside of our bodies (material that will not last us our lifetime) than we are on the food that we put into it.  Before I step off my soap box, I pray, ask your self this: If you knew that the gas companies were purposely creating gasoline that would damage your vehicle because of harmful chemicals and whatnot, just to put more money in their pockets, would you continue buying it and risk decreasing the value of such a large investment??  If yes, well... I feel for you and your pocket book.  If your answer is no, then why, why, why?! would you not consider your body as valuable an investment/asset in your life??

For more information please visit the Food Inc. Hungry for Change website.

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