Others have their own definition of tree hugger. Others make the words "tree hugger" sound bad. Others think that saving a great source of oxygen is a bad thing. Others think that their own selfish motives are worth destroying the future of life on this planet, instead of letting natural changes occur naturally... not as a result of our greed and superiority complex over other forms of life on this planet. That makes sense right??
I am tired. I am tired of being scrutinized for doing what's right. I am ready. I am ready for change. People seem to have it set in their minds that worrying about our planet is useless and a waste of time. I call it laziness. Why don't those same people recycle? It's too much effort and "I heard they do that at the trash place, anyways..." (Seriously?) THAT'S LAZY! I've had the same reaction from people about the effort it takes to save money on organic food. "I don't have time" is my absolute favorite. You don't have time to research food for your family but you have time to update your status and "like" 50 things on Facebook each day. Go you. I hope I raise realistic children who grow into adults that could see through people like that, those who care about their own desires above everything else. My only desires are to live right and teach others howrewarding it really is. Those who oppose me only fuel my passion. It grows each and every day. And while I literally woke up one day with this guilt over the things I had IGNORED all my life, I know I won't be waking up to decide I just don't care again. I feel like I have been blinded all my life or lied to! I refuse to live with blinders over my eyes any longer. I will not sit back and agree with those who just "don't want to know" what's in their food or who don't care how massive the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" is and how it got there. Do people seriously not care how that affects the fish we EAT?! I mean I'd like to call it plain stupidity but I'm sure that would offend several people.
No onein the pioneer days ever looked at a problem and said "there's nothing we can do"!! We fought through. We were innovative. We came up with ways to do things that changed the world. Have we forgotten how hard our ancestors worked to provide a future for us? Do people honestly believe we don't owe that same mind-set, hard work, and effort to our future generations??

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