Monday, November 7, 2011

Sun Chips Biodegradable Bags - The BIG Picture (repost/relocation from my All Natural Adventures Blogster blog)

Where to start?  Yes, first let me start by saying THANK YOU FritoLay for coming up with a sensible bag for your Sun Chips brand.  Although you decided to cut back on making them due to the recent uproar of complaints about "noise pollution", I have full faith you are in the process of designing a bag that works for everyone as I write this blog post.
Away we go.. onto the BIG business.  I read a blog on USA Today called Sunchips get bagged for noise.  I had heard only bits and pieces of a story on the news and found this story in my search for more information.  I am completely beside myself about all this.  I don't personally care how much noise a chip bag makes... especially if its biodegradable! {#dancing6.gif} As a matter of fact as soon as I saw the commercial about the new bags on television I added them to my snacks section of my shopping list.  I posted this story to my Facebook and somehow never got around to blogging about it.. until today.  In my research on exactly what were people really saying about the bags I came across a video.  I could honestly come up with many negative things to say about this video (and this is only one!) and many others, but I won't.  I won't feel better about it and it's not like it will actually do any good.  I will however offer a little positive prospective.  Here's the video...

{#gruebel.gif} "This topic makes no sense..."  Actually, I think the topic makes perfect sense.  You are mad about the noise that a biodegradable chip bag makes.  What doesn't make sense to me is WHY?  What I heard was you had to yell over the bag when you wanted to get a chip out.  You wonder if it is for "overweight people" so they don't eat so much.  And then you ask (in a very cynical tone) if it will help save the planet.  Here are your answers, Pat:

YELLING OVER THE BAG - Do you eat out of the bag?  Do you normally talk when you're eating?  Studies show its best to practice portion control.  Try pouring the chips in a BIG bowl and feel free to eat out of it instead... noise free!  As far as the not being able to hear people over the bag, I was always taught it's not polite to talk while you eat.  Maybe in between bites, but if you had the chips portioned in a bowl the "yelling over the bag" issue would be eliminated altogether.

MAKING "OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE" FEEL BAD - Wow.  Okay, first of all... I agree in a way because I myself used this as an excuse of why it was a good thing, but not in those words!  I feel that the noise could perhaps remind people (like myself) who take out the amount they intend on eating and then go back for more (only because they taste so good) that "Hey! You've had your portion! Try and control your overeating!"  I doubt in any way it was a stab at people who are clinically considered overweight or obese.  Obesity is a serious issue in this country and if there were less people pointing fingers and more people willing to offer some help, others would be reassured. They would be reassured they have the choice to change their life and that they can do it.

SAVE THE PLANET - Let's go ahead and be realistic.  No, these bags alone won't save the planet.  BUT IT'S A START!! The BIG picture here is that giant corporations are seeing the need and demand for greener more eco-friendly products.  Unfortunately what matters most is their bottom line and people like this guy who complained about the noisy bags slowed the progress of the green society that is coming (whether you support it or not).  You may not understand why there is a need to be green but that doesn't mean you have to be hateful about it.  Negativity only brings sorrow and pain.  Once you let go of selfish desires (or needs as we call it) you will begin to understand the need for change.  One can only hope!
I support the Sun Chips bags 100%! We live in a world of constant noise.  People dream of vacations away in silence without the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life.  How can you bag (get it bag) a company for creating a truly amazing product (the chips included!!)??  Is the noise it makes not worth billions of chip bags that WON'T forever remain in a landfill polluting the dirt and water we grow our food with?  I think it is.  Bring on the noisy chip bags!

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