Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Misery Loves Company

Hmmm... do you believe that statement is true?  Misery loves company.  My mom always said this to me when someone was trying to bring me down.

On Facebook the other day, and the day before, and a couple days before that, I noticed (of all people!) a family member of mine putting down people who eat healthy (namely me ... although I was technically left unnamed), exercise, and organic food.  Really?  Do you feel all high and mighty now that you put down people who choose to take care of their bodies just because you are utterly unhappy with yours??  I get it.  People are different.  I don't poke fun at lazy people who eat crap for food.  Okay, you're right.  I do.  COME ON, THOUGH!  If you have a disability of some kind that limits what you can do physically, FINE!  That does not give you the right to bash me, my healthy friends, or anyone else that chooses to take care of themselves with good, clean food and exercise.  God forbid we do what's right for our body.  You only live in it your entire life.  ;-P  So instead of going off the deep end and making comment after crazy comment on their posts ... I did them one better.  I blew up their feed with healthy posts!  Healthy food, exercise tips, pro-organic farming posts, and so on.  Kill them with kindness because misery really does love company.  You sit on that couch with your bag of Cheetos and HoHo's and I'll be working out, fueling my body with good food, and feeling GREAT about myself all the while. /EndRant!

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